Dec 3, 20214 min read
Cooking with Kids : How it Began
For me, the road to opening my kitchen up to the kids was bumpy. There were a lot of stresses & messes and as a professional chef I...

Mar 9, 20211 min read
Baking with Kids-How To
Opening scene: "Can I lick the bowl now?" "No, not yet." "Ok, then, can I lick the spoon?" "No, not yet." Fade out from an impatient...

Feb 19, 20212 min read
Cooking with Kids-When Things Go Awry
Teaching kids to cook, AND/OR do things on their own is tricky business. But it's got to happen or independence is an opportunity missed....

Jan 20, 20211 min read
Tomato Salad with Guacamole
This isn't so much of a recipe as it is inspiration for summer to come faster than the speed with which it's currently moving. As a...

Jan 20, 20211 min read
Teaching Kids to Cook-Start Easy
Cooking with kids can be very messy. It can also be super frustrating, so my tip is: keep it simple in order to keep it organized. My...

Nov 8, 20201 min read
Unraveled Burritos No More
We are big fans of the one-handed meal in this house. It's a quick way to roll your nutrition into a tortilla wrap and eat while moving....

Jul 11, 20203 min read
Italian Puff Pastry Butterflies
A quick, yet fancy looking snack for parties, snacks with drinks or to dip in your soup.

Jun 9, 20205 min read
Boneless, Skinless, Chicken Breast Perfection
A quick tip for cooking tender & moist boneless, skinless chicken breast to help you serve better tasting, chicken.

Jun 5, 20203 min read
Pico de Gallo (the quick version)
Pico de gallo is the quintessential Mexican salsa, but here is a quick version for you kitten fun.

May 31, 20201 min read
Quick-Dice an Onion Faster
A quicker way to dice an onion with less crying about it...

May 25, 20202 min read
One Bite at a Time
Like most parents, we always try to get veggies into our kids, and sometimes it's a fight on both sides. But my trick works!

May 19, 20202 min read
Burrata me this...Burrata me that...
I imagine that in mythological times, burrata cheese must have been a special product that was only meant for the gods. It's that good!

May 9, 20202 min read
Where da Party at?
We are a true family of party people. We like the food, the drinks, the people, the music and the fun. Any excuse to have a party is good...

May 8, 20202 min read
Panini "Burritos"?
It may sound strange to a traditionalist, but once you give it a try, I bet you will not only like the texture, but appreciate the...

May 8, 20201 min read
Hummus Inspiration
Hummus is everyones favorite, but here's a way to dress it up for a party with little effort.

May 7, 20201 min read
A healthier "relationship" with garlic
"Garlic has antibiotic properties that can help improve your health" BUT you have to SMASH it first! Garlic is a truly special...

May 5, 20202 min read
My One Hour of Morning Peace Per Day
How an articleI once read an article about the differences in sleep patterns of men and women and it changed my life since having kids.

May 5, 20201 min read
Freezer to the Rescue?
Commit to saving your sanity and using the freezer to help get some meals on the table, otherwise we all suffer...

May 5, 20202 min read
Teach Your Kids to Cook
So many people assume that I must be great at cooking with kids because I’m a professional chef.

May 5, 20203 min read
A Soup Made From "Waste"
Asparagus soup can be achieved from simply using the stems one cuts off at the bottom and the peels one throws away after peeling!